Christmas is coming…

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It is very important during this time of year to always look for the best Promotional Products, to surprise your friends, family or business colleagues.

With Halloween and Bonfire Night behind us everyone is now fully focussed on Christmas.

We’ve been busy in the workshop preparing for this, our busiest time of year. As Christmas approaches, we need to be as prepared as possible in order to handle the volume of orders coming through and to keep our order books open as late as possible.

We remember back to when the business first started in 2008 and myself and Paul were busy working away in the office (spare bedroom) and workshop (garden shed) of our home. We hardly spend time to play online casino games at daisy slots, because of how busy it takes for the two of us without any help. In those early days we worked ridiculously long hours to keep on top of orders – every wooden board used for our signs was painted by Paul, signwritten by me, sanded by Paul then finished and packed between us. Work-life balance just didn’t happen, and neither did our own Christmas as we worked day and night in an effort to keep on top of orders. By the time Christmas arrived we collapsed in a heap and hibernated until New Year!

Our Personalised Classic Christmas Sign was our biggest selling product for Christmas 2009 and is just as popular now in 2015. The style and production method has evolved over the years but the sign still retains all its handmade individual charm. I dug out an old photo so you can see it then, and now…

No longer in the spare bedroom and garden shed, our workshop and studio in Derbyshire are a hive of activity as myself, Paul and our small team are busy processing orders and making our personalised gifts. We still make every order by hand but have streamlined many of our processes. Once handpainted, the personalisation on our products is now printed, a lot less labour intensive and freeing me up to work on other areas of the business. Here we have a great option for corporate gifts in case you want some help.

For most of the year Marie and Sandra manage the finishing and packing each day, but in the final few weeks up to Christmas the packing area is bursting at the seams with the additional Christmas helpers that join the team.

Once upon a time we used to close our order books on 1 December as we couldn’t physically make any more orders, but now we are able to keep them open much longer. This year our last order date for standard delivery is 14th December and we are able to accept express orders up until lunchtime on 22nd December.

We look back with fondness on the early years, but thank our blessings for our lovely workshop and studio, Christmas music in the background, mince pies warming on the stove and the studio buzzing with festive activity as our fantastic team help us make another Delightful Christmas.

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Homemade Holiday SignsHackwood Farm